Part D
Prescription Drug Plans
A Prescription Drug Plan, abbreviated PDP, is also known as Medicare Part D. Medicare Part D helps pay for your prescription drugs. A prescription drug plan is optional and available to anyone with Medicare Part A and/or Medicare Part B. To get Medicare drug coverage, you must join a Medicare-approved drug plan (stand-alone PDP) or a Medicare Advantage plan that includes drug coverage.
Prescription Drug Plan Enrollment
Prescription Drug Plan Enrollment Periods
Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) - When you first become eligible for Medicare.​
Annual Election Period (AEP) - October 15 - December 7. During this time, you can enroll, drop or change your PDP plan; the plan will go into effect Jan. 1st.​
Special Enrollment Period (SEP) - You can enroll any time, when certain circumstances apply, like if you move or leave group coverage. Rules for each SEP are different.
Late Enrollment Penalty: If you decide not to enroll in a prescription plan when you're first eligible, and don't have other credible drug coverage, you'll likely pay a late enrollment penalty if you join a plan later. This penalty will be in force the remainder of the time you're in a Medicare drug plan. We highly recommend you enroll in a drug plan as soon as you're eligible, even if you don't take any prescriptions.
For a Prescription Drug Plan, you can expect to make these payments throughout the year:
Monthly premium
Plan deductible
Drug copayments or coinsurance
Costs in the coverage gap
Costs if you receive Extra Help
The late enrollment penalty, if applicable

The actual costs of your prescriptions vary greatly and depend on numerous factors, like:
Whether or not your drug is on your plan's formulary
The tier your drug is in
Which drug benefit phase you're currently in
The pharmacy you use
If you receive Extra Help
Finding the Best Prescription Drug Plan
Choosing the perfect drug plan depends on many factors. You have to take into consideration: ​
It's important to make sure all your drugs are covered as much as possible. Luckily, Medicare has made this process a bit easier. Medicare has created something called the Medicare Plan Finder. This website takes into consideration all these factors and automatically generates a list of plans, sorting them by the lowest annual out-of-pocket costs to you.
This is where having an agent can be a huge advantage! Using the government's Plan Finder, we can recommend the a prescription plan to fit your individual needs at the lowest cost to you!
The prescriptions you're currently taking
The dosage of each drug you're taking
The frequency you take each drug
If you take brand name or generic drugs
The county you live in
Your preferred pharmacy
Whether or not you use mail order